About CEC

We Understand.
It’s all about relationships.
O&P is changing. It’s difficult to predict what our industry will look like in the near future. Relationships are the only constant. They are always valuable and always important for quality outcomes. Clinical Education Concepts helps you develop new, meaningful relationships and strengthen the ones you already have.
People like to do business with people they:
- Know
- Like
- Trust
We design education-based marketing platforms for the O&P Industry.
CEC’s marketing platforms are based on an educational message, not a sales pitch. New referrals are important whether you’re a patient care facility, manufacturer, or sales professional. By teaching your current and potential referral sources about orthotics and prosthetics you can differentiate yourself from your competitors, emphasize your expertise, and improve patient outcomes.
Our company provides customized course material and works with the appropriate governing bodies so that you and your staff can become continuing education providers. State and national organizations and licensing boards that approve CE providers have stringent rules and regulations governing who gets continuing education credits and for what. And rightfully so. Our presentations are not commercials dressed up as course material. We offer a genuine learning experience that is beneficial to both the student and the instructor.
We provide everything from sign-in sheets to certificates of completion. Our job is to administer your education platform and provide you with each item that you will need. We are here to make you look good!
O&P Experience
Clinical Education Concepts was launched at the US ISPO Pacific Rim meeting on January 23, 2008 in Maui, Hawaii. Though a relatively new company, our founders have been involved in the orthotic and prosthetic industry for over twenty years. We understand what it takes to market an O&P practice, and have had significant success in identifying and developing relationships with reliable sources of referrals.
Anybody can just “do” a presentation. We know what it takes to launch and maintain a successful education based marketing platform.