Meeting Management for O&P Chapters and State Associations
Your meeting is unique. Different goals. Different needs. Different expectations. No matter what, it's still a lot of work. Don't worry. We've got you covered. Would you like help?
Meeting Management Services
You and your board of directors are all busy people. In addition to your board duties, your primary goals are practice management and patient care. Who has "extra" time to:
- Oversee site selection
- Negotiate hotel contracts
- Develop budgets
- Coordinate speakers and faculty
- Handle online and onsite registration
- Design exhibit hall floor plan
- Implement online registration and hotel booking
- Manage onsite activities
- Provide miscellaneous administrative duties
Event Marketing
A coordinated event marketing plan is essential to maximizing participation of attendees, exhibitors, partners, and sponsors. CEC works to implement and enhance current event marketing plans or develop custom campaigns to drive participation.
A successful marketing campaign starts and ends with a quality program. By consistently communicating the quality of your program to a target audience of potential attendees, we are able to raise interest and, ultimately, drive attendance to your meeting.
Elizabeth has been overseeing our annual meeting for the last 11 years. Ever since she's come on board, there's been a big difference. The Board of Directors are less stressed, meeting logistics has become more streamlined and attendance has actually increased! However, the most important role is the continuity she brings to the yearly planning, especially with our board members rotating into new positions every year.
Craig R. DeCamp, CPO, Past President Midwest Chapter AAOP
Speaker's Bureau Events
Speakers and presenters: Submit your bio and abstract ONCE for any or all of the meetings listed below. You will receive confirmation that your abstract has been received, and notified when it has been accepted. Click here to submit your presentation information to the CEC Speaker’s Bureau.
Kentucky O&P Association
www.kyopa.net) - May 31, 2024 - Frankfort, KY
Alabama Prosthetic & Orthotic Association
http://alabamapoa.org) - July 25-27, 2024 - Hyatt Regency Wynfrey, Birmingham, AL
Texas Society of O&P Professionals
http://txsop.org) - August 22-24, 2024 - TBD
Tennessee Society of Orthotists & Prosthetists
http://www.tennsop.org) - TBA - TBD
Georgia Society of Orthotists & Prosthetists
http://georgiasop.com) - April 25-27, 2024 - Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
New York Chapter American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists
http://nysaaop.org/) - May 6-8, 2024 - Rivers Casino, Schenectady, NY
Virginia Orthotic & Prosthetic Association
http://vopaweb.com) - February 8-10, 2024 - Hyatt Regency Reston, Reston, VA
North Carolina Chapter AAOP
ncaaop.com) - Spring 2024 - Durham, NC
International African American Prostetic Orthotic Coalition
iaapoc.org) - May 16-18, 2024 - Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Ohio Chapter AAOP
ohiochapteraaop.com) - TBD - TBD
"I lecture nationally and internationally. I've presented at hundreds of conferences just in the last few years alone. I am always relieved when I look at my schedule and see that my next event is a CEC-managed event. They just make everything so easy and stress-free, the best managed meetings including registration, site selection, presentation support, every aspect. I look forward to each and every event that they run!"
Dennis Janisse, CPed