Our Services

Become the Expert!
You are an expert in your field. You know it. Your patients know it. Education-based marketing ensures everyone else will know it.
Developing meaningful relationships with new referral sources is imperative for an orthotic & prosthetic patient care facility to grow and thrive. Just as important is protecting current referral sources from competitors. Clinical Education Concepts can help you make new connections and protect your existing relationships.
We provide course material that orthotists and prosthetists teach to therapists. The therapists earn continuing education credits (CEUs) for attending the presentations and you earn a repetitive presence in front of valuable referral sources.
Ongoing education creates open lines of communication to support successful patient outcomes.
Education-Based Marketing Programs
Education-based marketing is a marketing platform built around an educational message not a sales pitch. Education is valuable. Providing value helps you establish and develop mutually beneficial relationships.
You, the orthotist/prosthetist, are a credentialed healthcare professional who is an integral part of the team responsible for the care and rehabilitation of amputees and patients in need of orthotic assistance. Your marketing strategy should reflect that. Clinical Education Concepts will help you implement an education-based marketing program, highlighting your expertise and showcasing you and your practice. We currently offer two series of courses that will help you gain new referral sources just by teaching people about what you do every day.
Education-Based Marketing Programs
Courses are designed to be taught by credentialed orthotists and/or prosthetists. They cannot be presented by a sales rep, business development or marketing person. Our course material is created by certified orthotists and prosthetists with Master’s degrees in Adult Education.
Orthotics For Therapists
The orthotic series emphasizes a team approach in treating patients who require short or long term orthotic intervention. All presentations have clear objectives and current references. Courses are designed to be delivered in one hour. Each course comes with the following customized for your facility:
- Test
- Answer Key
- Evaluation Form
- Hand Outs
Prosthetics For Therapists
The prosthetic series provides the therapy community with in depth information on amputee rehabilitation. All presentations have clear objectives and current references. Courses are designed to be delivered in one hour. Each course comes with the following customized for your facility:
- Test
- Answer Key
- Evaluation Form
- Hand Outs
Becoming a CEU Provider
CEC works with the appropriate therapy organizations and/or state licensing board to ensure each instructor becomes an approved provider. We make sure the presentation and administration of our course material meets the required standards established by state and national therapy associations and/or licensing boards.
Public Speaking Training
Don’t worry if you’re uncomfortable speaking in public – most people are. Our program includes public speaking and PowerPoint training. We will make sure you are confident the first time you step in front of a crowd. The training we provide covers setting up your projector, understanding the presentation software, how to teach our course material, and tips for overcoming the fear of public speaking.
E-mail Marketing Program
Reinforce what you teach with a monthly email newsletter. Monthly newsletters help develop customer (patient, client, referral source) loyalty and solidify long-term relationships by building trust and confidence in you, your staff and your practice.
We design and format your email newsletter for you. We develop the content. Remember, all web sites are reactive in that you have to rely on people to consciously make a decision to search for and visit your site. Your email newsletter is proactive. It is sent out to your list and it brings people back to your site. Talk about proactively driving traffic to your site! Every month your professionally designed, full-color email newsletter will be sent out with informative articles, eye-catching images and links. POWERFUL, REPETITIVE MARKETING that reinforces your education-based marketing efforts. It’s a win-win.
Find out if CEC’s education-based marketing program is right for you.
Therapists: Find an Instructor in your region
If you are looking for an instructor we can help. Submit the form below and we will provide a referral.